It is my life purpose to assist other Evolutionaries, Activators, Lightworkers and Starseed to finetune their self-knowledge and re-membering of their multi-dimensional selves, to let go of the traumas of the Earth journey, to learn to take care of themselves and to freely shine the light within, to nurture and support through spiritual retreat and 1-1 evolutionary mentoring
I didn't always know this...
My life has been centralised around a deep spiritual journey, leading me to remember my soul purpose, to study various modalities, to practice and share what I know about balancing love with knowledge, bringing self-care, dedicated spiritual practices and a myriad of healing approaches to assist others in their own re-membering and their service to life
Trained in Energy Alignment Method (EAM), EFT, Breathwork, Movement Therapy and Reiki, as a women's coach and healer for over 15 years, I worked with many hundreds of individuals, leading groups and courses, also running a radio show & podcast and was a longtime member of a team for a well-respected retreat organisation. Yet I found myself longing for a sense of more flow and authenticity, to work more closely with people who really needed specifically what I had to share, through my own understandings of life and related to the Great Shift happening on Earth
Seeking answers, I took a step back and in ...
During this time, I was guided and supported by a team of Higher Beings including
Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Quan Yin and Mary Magdalene and other members of The Brotherhood of Light to more deeply heal multi- incarnational themes and to understand and refine my natural skill set and clientele
Through this emerged a deeper freedom and a more focused way of sharing my gifts and aligning fully with my soul purpose
I have come to understand that these Great Beings overlight all that I do and by partnering with them through Bespoke Retreats, their love and insights cascade into all that we do. They guide us to every person that we can serve through the portal of these sacred, bespoke personal retreats.
It is through the partnership of all our Higher Selves and the Divine guides who work with each of us, that we are able to clear what is necessary and bring our love and light into expression more effectively
I am blessed to be in Sacred Divine Union with my beloved Hugh, together we help each other bring our gifts into the world through our commitment and the strength we have developed in years of deep healing and personal discovery
It is our joy and honour to craft a unique and transformative journey that meets your needs for unfurling through grace, love, attention to detail and superb healing care ...
Bespoke Healing Retreats - a Sacred Venture which has been established by
Evolutionary Catalyist & Healer, Lasare Maloney and husband Hugh Maloney with his loving business alchemy, alongside a wonderful group of healers, therapists and friends, to assist in the
great awakening going on here on Earth!
We are also in the process of creating a charitable foundation, called The Divine Mother Foundation, to support people who would like to access our services and need some assistance to join us. (More news on this to come soon!)
" Lasare is a rare creature on this earth…I’ve struggled to put into words how unique her light and wisdom really is. In a world where words are used to affect and bolster, blind and give credence, being in the company of someone so gentle, loving, honest and compassionate, is in itself, incredibly healing and transformative. To me, Lasare embodies the essence of how to walk in this world despite the incredibly complex burden of navigating here...
To anyone who needs a guide to help them clear their path, you will not find a brighter beacon of light. The most joyful, wise, abundantly skilled and truthfully living coach you could find."
S. Wilkinson ~